Sunday, February 20, 2011

Just getting started...

I'm really excited to have a place to write. So much is happening in our lives right now and we are learning so much. I find myself trying to keep it all in my head, and sometimes I feel like I might explode. Some of it is frustrating, but mostly it's life changing lessons that God is showing my family and I. We are so thankful for the journey He is taking us on. As painful as some of our experiences are, we wouldn't trade them for anything. We are becoming more God focused and much more aware of what God is capable of when we aren't trying to direct His steps! We do not want to limit God, and we do not want to tell Him what is best for us! God is BIG, much bigger than our circumstances and our ability to know what is best for ourselves. I use to be afraid to let God have full control (but of course, who would ever admit that, right?) because deep down I knew he would tell us to get ourselves up and move on to something healthy and God ordained. I so badly want to be a flawless executioner of his word and plan for my life. In this pursuit I have come to realize that His word can change everything, and it has! My life may look much different than those around me, and chances are it may even offend those around me, but in the end, it just isn't my decision as to what my life is. It is, however, up to me to give those around me the same freedom to be molded into what God wants them to be. Perfect unity is so much more than being alike, it's about being like minded! Can you imagine a fellowship of believers that accepted each other, strengths and weakness, and made it a priority to spur one another on to the good works that were prepared in advance for them to do? Instead, I see so much acting out according to insecurities. People are trying to hurt before they get hurt, fire before they get fired, blame before they get get the picture. There is very little responsibility taken for actions anymore and so many cowards are hiding in the shadows of their own guilt. God is calling us to something so much greater than this! God can use our differences and our past mistakes to make something wonderful. We have to allow him the freedom to do so though. This is where we limit God through our insecurities. What a mess we make when we label relationships "not worth trying anymore." My husband has approached a few people in the last few weeks trying to meet with them and obtain a healthy closure on a less than ideal situation. I'm so taken back by the negative response, and in some cases, no response at all. Situations left like this are anything but what God would want. He calls us to resolve conflict, but unfortunately it takes two willing parties. Instead, we are left to shake the dust off and move on. I pity those that are unable to face conflict with a BIG God mentality. I am learning what this means, and it means that God is big enough to bring healing in any situation and in any relationship. My eyes are open and I want to claim God's healing power in all situations!

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